You Can Only
What You See.

The problem with most capital improvement programs isn't the program; it's the financial surprises. CapitalVision® gives back control.

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CapitalVision® is a cloud based software service that improves your ability to manage the financial aspects of your capital improvement program, providing access, visibility and control over the relationships between projects and contracts with the actual sources of funds. 

Problem Solution

Managing large capital improvement programs can be a juggling act.

CapitalVision® delivers what the name says – vision into capital improvement programs.

Problem: Managing capital improvement programs can be a juggling act – keeping everything in the air, hoping nothing drops:  Overall program status at any given time. Offline spreadsheets. Department coordination. Funding draws. Capitalized interest from bond funds. Soft costs. Payments. If only you could see the whole financial picture, access it all, in real-time, and be able to adjust to changing realities as they happen…
Solution: CapitalVision® delivers what the name says – vision into capital improvement programs. It manages the relationships between programs, projects and contracts and the actual sources of funds, so you know what you have, where it’s coming from and when, where you stand on funding, capitalized interest, as well as tracking hard and soft costs. You can see the entire program, so you can manage the entire program.


  • Tracks Projects

    All relevant financial aspects: budgets, estimates, contracts, subcontractors, change orders, funding sources, retainage, milestone dates, invoicing, expenditures, complete document storage & management.

  • Manages Funding

    Sources of funds (bonds, grants, user fees), draws, enforcement of funding eligibility & thresholds.

  • Tracks Assets

    Capitalized assets including: dates placed into service, useful life, capitalized values, invoices used to fund asset.

  • Alerts

    On-screen/email alerts to manage capital program, i.e. event-based notice to proceed date or financial change order, etc.

  • Integrates With Existing Systems

    Seamless loading from other legacy systems through Web services or SDG's data loading utilities.

CapitalVision® is the ideal platform for increasing your ROI.

For further information, please contact us at (407) 382-1959 or
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